Thursday 16 October 2014

Eye Color And Your Personality Traits

Eyes are often conceived as a “window to the soul”. They are indeed a very important part of our personalities. Much debate has been done on the idea that like our facial and other body features,do our eye colors have some role to play with our attitudes or do these colors have some impacton our personalities in general? Some people might ask about the scientific credence of this notion.To be true,various studies and researches have shown that eye colors do leave an impact on our personalities and dictates our behavior to a certain degree.


  • A. Hazel Eye Color (mixture of green/brown/grey): Easily bored, mentally agile, may be restless when under pressure
  • B. Green Eye Color: Curious, intelligent, may be jealous when under pressure
  • C. Brown Eye Color: Cares deeply for family -OR- support system, affectionate, serious nature
  • D. Light Blue Eye Color: Peaceful, may have low physical endurance
  • E. Dark Blue Eye Color: Spiritual, intense, left-brained, may love computers!
  • F. Blue-grey Eye Color: Benefit focus, humanitarian, may wish to remain anonymous 
             in doing good deeds
  • G. Grey Eye Color:Analytical, clear thinking, philosophical, ( may be calculating people’s behavior -OR- have shrewd judgement: keen observation)                                                           


People with Hazel eye color are often termed as elegant. They are independent and courageous people who like diversity and do not hesitate much in trying out new things. They in fact, will fully accept the challenges. Most of them are fun loving and spontaneous people.


Green eyes are often considered as having a certain mystery in them. People with green eyes are found to be mostly curious by nature and are intelligent.They go well together in their relation-ships and are passionate people. They have an incredible zest for life who want to live life fully .Jealousy is a factor which is often termed as the negative feature of their personalities.


The brown eye color is very common. People who possess brown eye color are considered as attractive, confident, and adorable. They are independent people who love to make new friends, are polite, and caring. They can cheer people up and make them laugh. They have affectionate nature and care very much about their family. Also, an important feature of brown eyed people is that they are self confident and very determined, persevering people. They are nature lovers, spiritual, and can be very strong headed at times.


There is something about the blue color that is so fresh and lively that people always desire this color and are instantly attracted towards it. No prizes for guessing that blue eyes are the most desired eye color in the world. Peaceful, smart, kind and full of youth and life, blue eyed people have long-lasting relationships and are very energetic. But the most prominent feature among them is their inherent desire to make other people happy. Blue eyed people will go the extra mile just to make sure that you are happy with utmost kindness and sincerity. This one feature is very rare and that is what makes the blue-eyed person so appealing to us. They are very keen on observing t hings, are extroverts and always happy-go-lucky. A person with blue eyes wants a long-lasting and a full-commitment and a no-bullshit relationship. Once they have that, they will do everything under the sun to make their better-halves happy.


Grey is a color that dominated a lo in our life. As they say, life is not just black and white but just different shades of grey. Similarly, people with grey eyes and born to be dominant and leaders. Strong in nature, wise and gentle are some of the most important attributes that they possess. One must know that they are very gentle. In fact, people with grey eyes are the least aggressive people of all. They put all their passion in whatever they do, be it profession or personal. They take love and romance very seriously and these are not the kind of people whom you will see fooling around. They are creative and imaginative, and flexible in their attitude – the 3 qualities that every great leader possesses. Their inner strength, analytic thinking and rationality given them an upper hand in taking a leading rose in any situation. These are great people to be around and their company will surely have a positive effect on you as well.


One of the most surprising things about the black colored pair of eyes is that true black eyes are very rare. What we see and call as black eyes are in actuality just very dark brown eyes. The dark brown or black, as we may call it for own usage is often associated with night, mystery and intuition. People with black eyes are said to be very trustworthy and responsible. They are secretive but will never let your secrets out to anyone. They sometimes mistrust people and are reluctant to start friendships and to fall in love. But when they do begin a relation, they are loyal till the very end. They are extremely hardworking and practical and will always give their best shot at whatever it is that they are doing. They are said to be spiritual, passionate and optimists. They always know how to show their worth to others.